Taking your health journey as a lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle

Hey guys! So I set on this journey to be for the summer but as the summer is rounding up I am no where near my goal weight but I generally feel healthier. I binge eat less, drink a lot of water and have made some changes that I know I will carry on with … Continue reading Taking your health journey as a lifestyle

Motivation to keep fit : Side goals

Motivational fitness quotes

This is the last in this series and it is a very important form of motivating yourself. It basically implies setting goals that will be an implication or application of your fitness goal. An example is saying I want to be fit so that I can have better endurance and pick up a sport. I … Continue reading Motivation to keep fit : Side goals

Motivation to keep fit : Accountability partners


One of the most annoying things about setting health goal or wanting to lose weight is when people tell you things like, "But you're fine like this, why would you want to lose weight?" Or "You can't do it don't waste your time," or they just laugh at you and I have faced all three. … Continue reading Motivation to keep fit : Accountability partners