

I’m Toni or drop of black for the purpose of this blog. I’m twenty and I’m a medical student in All Saints University.

I am an hair enthusiast and having had natural hair for about 6 years, I am quite acquainted with important hair related topics.

August 2017, I decided to start my blog to educate people who are just like I was, wanting to embrace their natural self but clueless about how to go about it.

I write posts on topics relating to hair care from my personal experiences to general knowledge and tips to help each reader have the best hair possible, I also dabbled in fitness and skin care posts a little along the line but I know this blog is majorly dedicated to hair care.

I am expanding a drop of black into a trade mark as I have a book and online course about natural hair and making the best of it, I started a youtube channel dedicated to my Journey as a medical student in the Carribean while sharing my hair care tips along the line. I also started merchandise line in collaboration with Teespring.

I also volunteer in schools to teach students about their hair as well as teach them DIYs that they could sell to become self reliant.

Natural hair is a journey that never really ends and I am happy that I get to embark on this journey with other people helping them along the way.

A drop of black is dedicated to helping people become their best selves without breaking the bank by spending on expensive products.

I’m challenging myself to healthy hair and (maybe more length, who knows?)

Join me for the ride!

Have fun!
– Drop of Black