Apple cider vinegar for healthy natural hair

apple cider vinegar for hair

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented apple juice. It is gotten from crushed apples mixed with yeast and sugars. This fermented juice is credited with tons of medical and aesthetic benefits. This blog post is on apple cider vinegar benefits for natural hair and how to use it. Content of Apple cider vinegar The main … Continue reading Apple cider vinegar for healthy natural hair

Honey benefits for natural hair that you never knew

Honey is a staple in every kitchen as well as a lot of natural hair products. The use of honey for natural hair has been attributed to several properties like humectant and antioxidant properties. It is also quite a cheap product to incorporate into your hair regimen so in this blog post we will be … Continue reading Honey benefits for natural hair that you never knew

6 ways to have healthy hair in school

healthy hair in school

It is back to school season and it's time to plan your hair care regimen for school, hairstyles, and get supplies if you've run out. Healthy hair is a journey, not a destination so you will need to be on your game all year round. Generally, you should be able to follow your normal regimen … Continue reading 6 ways to have healthy hair in school